You might have heard an old saying that you shouldn’t feed potatoes to your dog. But why are potatoes often included in dog food?
This contradicting information can be confusing but the answer is actually quite simple. So, can dogs eat potatoes?
Click here to find out similar information about whether dogs can eat peas and carrots or not!
Can Dogs Eat Raw Potatoes?
Green and raw potatoes contain a compound called solanine which is toxic for dogs. Cooking a potato reduces the solanine levels and makes them harmless for consumption.
Don’t ever give raw potatoes or potato skins to your dog. Side effects of eating raw potatoes can be nausea, vomiting, weakness, and lethargy. If you have a small dog that has accidentally eaten potatoes in raw form, please contact your local vet for instructions.
Another thing to consider is that hard raw potatoes don’t digest well in a dog’s digestive system. In a worst-case scenario, your dog could get a bowel obstruction.
Intestinal blockage is a serious matter and the situation always needs to be checked by a veterinarian.
Can Dogs Eat Cooked Potatoes?
Dogs can only eat cooked potatoes. For this reason, you shouldn’t be concerned if you find potatoes mentioned on a dog food package.
Cooked potatoes are easily digestible and consequently are suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Cooked potatoes are also a source of fiber and some nutrients.
Potatoes contain vitamins such as A, B(B1, B2, B12), C, D, and E. Keep in mind that a dog’s digestive system is optimal for digesting fat and animal protein thus starchy foods like potatoes should be fed in moderation.
Why Are Potatoes In Dog Food?
Dog kibble contains mainly carbohydrates and is often made with potato, rice, corn, or wheat. Potatoes serve as a source of carbohydrates in dog food formulations.
Potatoes are relatively affordable. This affordability allows pet food manufacturers to produce kibble at a reasonable cost while still maintaining a balanced nutritional profile.
Nutritionally, potatoes also contribute essential vitamins and minerals to dog diets. They contain vitamins like vitamin C and various B vitamins, as well as minerals like potassium and manganese.
These nutrients play crucial roles in supporting overall canine health, including immune function, metabolism, and muscle function.
Potatoes can serve as a hypoallergenic alternative to grains for dogs with food sensitivities or allergies. Some dogs may experience adverse reactions to common grains like wheat or corn, leading to symptoms such as digestive upset or skin irritations.
Some dog food companies make their kibble with potatoes, sweet potatoes, and peas so they can provide a grain-free option for their customers.
Can Dogs Eat Fries Or Potato Chips?
You should not give these foods to your dog.
French fries and potato chips are full of saturated fat and salt.
The high salt content in these snacks can also be problematic for dogs, as excessive sodium intake can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
If your dog was sneaky and emptied a plate of fries before you, you can expect the dog to have an upset stomach the next day.
Can dogs eat potatoes? Never let your dog eat raw potatoes.
Raw potatoes contain the toxic compound solanine that can make a dog sick. Cooked potatoes are okay in moderation but aren’t an ideal food for dogs. Starchy vegetables like potatoes are quite futile in your dog’s diet.