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  • Dog Nutrition
  • Vitamin capsules on a wooden table

    Do Dogs Need Vitamin D?

    I recently wrote about vitamin C and how it’s not an actual vitamin for dogs since dogs can produce it in their liver, unlike humans. Naturally, it raises the question, can dogs produce other vitamins too? In this article, I go through and explain how vitamin D works and whether dogs need vitamin D supplementation…

    Cinnamon sticks and ground cinnamon on a wooden surface

    Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon?

    In this post we will dive into the question, can dogs eat cinnamon? Every year around the holidays Finnish newspapers publish listicles of holiday treats you shouldn’t give to your dogs. And every year chocolate and gingerbread cookies are on that list. I have lived my whole life believing that cinnamon is bad for dogs….

    Vitamin C formula

    Do Dogs Need Vitamin C?

    One thing we have been hearing all our lives is that vitamin C is important to us. Our bodies can’t produce it so we need it from different sources like citrus fruits and berries. So it’s not so silly to wonder if dogs need vitamin C. It’s one of our building blocks, but how about…