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Golden Cavalcadia Cavaliers

All our dogs are beloved family members living with us, and puppies will grow up around us getting used to noises, guests, pets, and daily life. Every litter is carefully planned, and both dam and sire are extensively health tested.

Our kennel is not a large-scale commercial operation. I do believe in the saying “quality over quantity”. Improving the health of cavaliers is a passion of mine.

About the Breeder

I’m Nina Malin, a registered Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breeder. Our kennel is located in Uusimaa Finland, one hour away from the capital of Helsinki.

I’m a member of the Finnish Kennel Club, Finnish CKCS Club, and local dog breeder association.

Hello and welcome!

I’m Nina Malin

As an internationally registered dog breeder, I’m sharing valuable insights on dog care and breed-specific information about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. I hope you join me on this journey as we explore the world of cavaliers together!

cavalier king charles spaniels easy to train3

Golden Cavalcadia Mission Statement

Our kennel was founded on the basis of improving the health of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. My mission is to breed well-socialized dogs and prioritize their health and well-being at every stage. Ethical dog breeding for me entails responsible practices like conducting extensive health screenings and genetic testing. This way I strive to provide families with beloved family pets that bring joy and companionship for years to come.

Exporting a Golden Cavalcadia Puppy

While our home is in Finland, we acknowledge the global demand for purpose-bred companion dogs with a focus on health testing.

In today’s globalized world, health-conscious and knowledgeable dog owners seek out reputable breeders who align with their values. Remarkably, the Finnish CKCS Crossbreeding Program has attracted inquiries from as far away as Australia, showcasing the extensive reach of informed and conscientious puppy buyers.

For this reason, we are willing to offer international exporting options for excellent, qualified homes. We will work closely with you to arrange safe and reliable transportation for your Golden Cavalcadia puppy. Please note that depending on your country and region, specific importing requirements and the total cost of your puppy may vary. The requirements will include regulations, paperwork, and procedures that need to be followed by the receiving country to allow the entry of animals from abroad.

We are committed to assisting you in navigating these processes to ensure a smooth and successful adoption. Contact us by filling out our puppy questionnaire to learn more about our available puppies and how we can assist you in finding your perfect match!

The Puppy Process


Wait for the Email

After you’ve submitted the questionnaire, I’ll reach out to you via email. Please be patient, this will take a few days. I’ll schedule a phone call to get to you and your family. If no puppies are available now, you’ll be added to our waiting list. When litter plans are finalized, those on the waiting list will be the first to be notified.


Receive an Invitation

If you seem like a good fit for the Golden Cavalcadia team, I’ll invite you to visit our home and meet me and the puppies. We can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while discussing the responsibilities of getting a puppy. I want to meet with every prospective puppy buyer at least once before making any commitments.