Last week I talked about how to take better care of senior dogs because Haiku is entering seniorhood. This week I want to talk about female dogs’ heat cycle for the reason that Halla is going into heat any day now.

This article about the female dog heat cycle is an important topic for me firstly because I own an unspayed female dog and secondly, there won’t be puppies in my kennel if I don’t know my stuff.

Get a comprehensive understanding of the female dog’s heat cycle, including duration and signs, and the most often asked questions!

Papillon outside in a sunshine

When Do Dogs First Go Into Heat?

The age at which a female dog first goes into heat can vary depending on the breed and size of the dog.

Smaller breeds tend to have an earlier onset of puberty and may have their first heat as early as 6 months of age, while larger breeds may not have their first heat until they are 18 to 24 months old.

It’s important to note that the age at which a dog first goes into heat can also be influenced by factors such as nutrition, overall health, and genetics.

How to Tell If a Dog Is in Heat

Some behavioral an physical signs that a female dog is in heat include:

  • Increased urination and marking
  • Swelling and reddening of the vulva
  • Restlessness and agitation
  • Flagging (lifting and wagging) of the tail
  • Increased affection or attention-seeking behavior
  • Aggression towards other dogs or animals It’s important to note that not all dogs will exhibit all of these signs and that each dog may have their own unique way of showing they are in heat.

Do Female Dogs Get Diarrhea When in Heat?

First, make sure that your dog hasn’t eaten anything that could contribute to having diarrhea. Diarrhea is not a normal symptom when the dog is in heat, but it’s not impossible. Some dogs experience incontinence because of the swelling.

If your dog is having diarrhea and vomiting when in heat, please contact a veterinarian because these could be the signs of metritis which needs acute medical attention.

How Long Are Dogs in Heat?

The stages of proestrus and estrus combined last about 2-4 weeks. That is the time when the female dog is in heat. Proestrus, the bleeding face lasts about 7-10 days, and estrus, the breeding face, lasts for 9 days on average.

How Often Does a Female Dog Come Into Heat?

A female dog goes into heat two times a year, every 6-8 months. The most typical seasons are spring and fall. It’s not abnormal for small breeds to go into heat more often.

Wolfs are dogs’ ancestors that only go into heat once a year. Some primitive breeds, like basenji, only experience this once a year as well. It’s been theorized that the domestication of dogs has impacted their evolution so that dogs feel safe to have puppies even in the fall since humans offer food and shelter.

The Female Dog Heat Cycle

Cycle chart about the four stages of estrus

A female dog’s heat cycle occurs periodically and is characterized by changes in her hormonal levels and physical signs. The proestrus and estrus are the stages we mean when we are talking about a dog going into heat. They are the most noticeable stages of the heat cycle.

The heat cycle consists of the following four stages:


The first stage of the heat cycle on average takes 7-10 days but can take anywhere from 3-17 days. So don’t get worried right away, every dog is different.

The dog’s vulva will swell and she will have a bloody discharge. Some dogs clean themselves well and you can barely notice any discharge meanwhile some dogs have a heavier flow. Males are more interested than normal but she isn’t receptive to mating yet.

Don’t take your dog to a dog park when she is in heat. The smell of a female in heat will linger and cause stress and fights among males even days after a visit to the dog park.

Heat Pants aka Period Diapers

Heat pants are a great option for keeping your carpets, couches, and beds from stains. The heat pants should be fitting and snug but not too tight! The dog needs to be able to walk, run, and lay down comfortably in them.

These dog diapers can be single-use or reusable. I personally favor the latter. The reusable heat pants usually have a velcro sticker so you can adjust how tightly the pants fit. They are also washable so for that reason I have two pairs of heat pants for Halla. When the others are in the wash, I have an extra pair that she can wear.

Remember to buy women’s pantyliners for reusable heat pants. Put a pantyliner in the right place just like in women’s underwear.

Change the liner every few hours and clean the dog’s rear with either water or unscented wet wipes designed for dogs. The cleaning is necessary because the dog can’t clean itself while wearing those pants.

A Person putting heat pants on a cocker spaniel


The second stage lasts on average 9 days but there are differences between individuals. Her vulva will be less swollen and her discharge will be less bloody.

Ovulation happens during this stage and the dog is fertile. She is interested in males and receptive to mating. Signs are that she will put her tail to the side when touched and often tries to mount her plush toys or even the owner’s leg.

A female dog in heat should always be kept on a leash but especially at this stage. The dog can try to run away looking for a suitable partner.

Diestrus or Metestrus

The third stage, lasting around 7-9 weeks, is when the outer signs of being in heat like discharge and swelling are gone. The dog isn’t receptive to mating anymore.

The dog’s body is preparing for pregnancy whether there was actual impregnation or not. The body secretes a hormone called progesterone. Progesterone starts to decrease 9-12 weeks after ovulation. The decreasing of progesterone stimulates prolactin. At this time the dog might experience a pseudopregnancy.


The final stage, lasting around 6-8 months, is when the dog’s body is in a dormant state before starting the cycle again. The sex hormones have gone back to their normal levels. The dog is not fertile and isn’t receptive to mating either.

Do Dogs Go Through the Menopause?

Female dogs don’t experience menopause as humans do. Dogs don’t go through menopause and they are
theoretically fertile their whole lives. But is it ethically correct to breed senior dogs is another thing.

Because dogs don’t have menopause, they go through their heat cycle as normal even if the dog is getting old.

black and tan dachshund laying on a couch

Can a Female Dog Be in Heat Without Bleeding?

Bloody discharge is a part of the heat cycle and the absence of discharge can be a sign of hormonal disorder. Especially if the dog did bleed during the last heat.

If the dog is going into heat for the first time, it is possible that hormonal changes like bleeding can’t be detected. It is still wise to consult a veterinarian.

Why Is My Dog Not Coming Into Heat?

If your dog has not gone into heat in the last year, it is best to call a vet. This could be a sign of hormonal imbalance or an underlying illness.

If you are expecting your dog to go into heat but it just not happening, make sure your dog isn’t experiencing a lot of stress.

Last June I was traveling while my brother took care of Halla for the whole month. I warned my brother that her heat cycle could start any day, but it actually started the next day I came back home. For Halla, the change in the environment was enough to prolong the cycle.

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